Yaleh Gonbad village


Yaleh Gonbad village

The village of Yaleh Gonbad has more credibility among the other villages in Qazvin province due to its hot springs. Fountain of Yale Gonbad is located fifteen kilometers north of this village and the way to going there is mountainous and so hard. . This spring comes from the bottom of the valley, which passes through a small river and flows to the Shahrud River. The water of the mineral spring is under category of the bicarbonate mineral waters of calcium iron and gases and is very hot. The water of this spring because of its carbon dioxide and its heat is analgesic and reliever.
Apparently, this water is effective in the treatment of neurological disorders, articular and rheumatic diseases, and its drinking is effective in the functioning of the digestive tract, liver and venous bile, and gastrointestinal diseases and nutritional illnesses. For many years, local people use the properties of this warm water to treat various diseases such as joint and skin diseases. Hot water has no accommodation and facilities and with that knowing, The Department of Cultural and Tourism Heritage of Qazvin intends to carry out a study on the village and its famous hot water, to increase the attractiveness of its tourist attractions and provide conditions for tourists, in particular, medical tourists to the village.

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